2019 Sept 6 - Oct 19
Opening Friday Sept 6 / 6 pm
Friday Sept 6 / 6 - 10 pm
Saturday Sept 7 / 12 - 8 pm
Sunday Sept 8 / 12 - 6 pm
The term 'tender' means as an adjective 'soft' or 'gentle', as a noun in the financial world; however, it can also be understood as 'offer' or 'means of payment'. Like money, photography is often a proxy for something else, something that arouses longings. But how does an object generate the value it needs to be photographed? And why is the picture worth something? And the opposite: a worthless picture?
With the exhibition 'Tender' the artist Laura Schawelka offers different perspectives and possible answers to those questions. Her work will then be condensed into an installation that seeks to discuss the role of photography as an accomplice in various value systems.
fiebach, minninger
Venloer Straße 26
50672 Cologne