At Städelschule research not only takes place in the studios and workshops where the students have the space and opportunity to explore critically both materials and forms. Furthermore, the Städelschule pursues an experimental research approach that directly links art to other disciplines through distinct projects, including programs such as the Institute for Art Criticism, Gasthof, The Frankfurt Prototype, and thematic Symposia.
Institute for Art Criticism was founded in 2003 by Prof. Dr. Isabelle Graw and Prof. Dr. Daniel Birnbaum, as a platform for research in the field of art theory, where art criticism was declared a field of scholarly enquiry and research for the first time. The Institute publishes conference proceedings and invites art theorists, critics, and artist writers to Städelschule. Upcoming program in January 2023, for more information, sign-up to our newsletter here.
International interaction on current research issues as well as the expansion of strategic collaborations is of fundamental importance for the current generation of young artist and formed the base of Gasthof, an initiative first launched in 2002 and restaged in 2022. With a total of more than 300 art students that gathered for an immersive, seven-day program of spontaneous daily activities, lectures, workshops, cooking, and exchange. Throughout this weeklong summit, participants considered and thought what it means for artists to practice hospitality towards those who are foreign to them, how art can be a “shelter” for reciprocity and friendship and a conduit for addressing social and political urgencies. Forthcoming publication scheduled for summer 2023.
Research project The Frankfurt Prototype is building a house that uses hybrid construction through recycled building elements from the steel industry and organic insulation materials. Developed in a series of studio seminars since winter semester 2021 led by guest professor Dr. Niklas Maak, it will showcase new technologies that have hardly or not yet been used in construction and be the starting point for a sustainable housing.
Interdisciplinary research projects in the form of symposia are part of the Städelschule curriculum at irregular intervals. Research-based collaboration with other institutions and guest speakers promotes the exchange of substantive knowledge and is quite essential for innovative research. Symposia is a recurring program dedicated to urgent topics impacting young art students and their practice.
Städelschule adheres to the Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Research Practice of the German Research Foundation (DFG). Click here for further information.
Teresa Heinzelmann, Johanna Laub
Artistic Coordination
Dürerstraße 10
60596 Frankfurt am Main
Telephone: +49 (0) 69 60 50 08-52