Photo Miriam Backstrom
Photo: Miriam Bäckström


In 2023, Städelschule initiated an alumni program to help recent graduates get started as practicing artists by awarding grants and stipends. As a public art school, Städelschule relies on a variety of funding sources to provide support to recent graduates. We like to thank the following sponsors for their generosity and continued support of our alumni/ae:

Hans und Stefan Bernbeck-Stiftung
Heinz und Gisela Friederichs Stiftung
Künstlerhilfe Frankfurt e.V.
Sammlung Pohl gGmbH
Stiftung Städelschule für junge Künstler*innen

A jury awards grants during the Absolvent*innenausstellung (graduate show) each year. The grants are be administered by the Städelschule.

Help us ensure that the Städelschule alumni/ae program continues to grow and flourish for years to come with tax-deductible donation to sponsor a year-long stipend for recent graduates.

HELABA – Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen
IBAN: DE39 5005 0000 0001 0078 06
Subject: Donation Städelschule Alumni


Martina Cooper

If you would like to stay in touch with the Städelschule and be part of an emerging alumni network, all Städelschule alumna*e are welcome to sign up for an e-mail list.


To stay in touch with the Städelschule and be part of an emerging alumni network, all alumni of the Städelschule can sign up below for an email list.