A cooperation of the Bonner Kunstverein, Kölnischer Kunstverein and the Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen, Düsseldorf.
Vito Acconci, The Agency, Georgia Anderson & David Doherty & Morag Keil & Henry Stringer, Lutz Bacher, Louis Backhouse, Olga Balema, Lynda Benglis, Judith Bernstein, Gerry Bibby, Alexandra Bircken, Juliette Blightman, Patricia L. Boyd, Anders Clausen, Keren Cytter, Enrico David, Vaginal Davis, Jonathas de Andrade, Jimmy DeSana, Nicole Eisenman, Hedi El Kolti, Jana Euler, Hal Fischer, Andrea Fraser, keyon gaskin mit/ with Samiya Bashir, sidony o´ neal und/ and Adee Roberson, Eunice Golden, Philipp Gufler, Richard Hawkins , Jenny Holzer, Hudinilson Jr., Allison Katz, Annette Kennerley, Sister Corita Kent, Mahmoud Khaled, Jürgen Klauke, Jutta Koether, Tetsumi Kudo, Klara Lidén, Hilary Lloyd, Sarah Lucas, Robert Morris, Shahryar Nashat, D'Ette Nogle, Henrik Olesen, D.A. Pennebaker & Chris Hegedus, Josephine Pryde, Puppies Puppies (Jade Kuriki Olivio), Carol Rama, Lorenzo Sandoval, Julia Scher, Agnes Scherer, Bea Schlingelhoff, Heji Shin, Katharina Sieverding, Nancy Spero, Anita Steckel, Evelyn Taocheng Wang, Carrie Mae Weems, Marianne Wex, Martin Wong, Katharina Wulff
2.30 pm: opening BONNER KUNSTVEREIN
Welcome: Dr. Birgit Schneider-Bönninger (Kultur- und Sportdezernentin der Stadt Bonn), Dr. Henning Boecker, (Vorstandsvorsitzender), Michelle Cotton (Head of Artistic Programmes & Content, mudam, Luxembourg)
Legal Gender – Performance conceived by Anita Steckel
Welcome: Dr. Ingrid Stoppa-Sehlbach (Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes NRW), Susanne Laugwitz-Aulbach (Beigeordnete für Kunst und Kultur der Stadt Köln),
Dr. Thomas Waldschmidt (Vorstandsvorsitzender), Nikola Dietrich (Direktorin)
From 5om:Parallel Lines – Performance by Gerry Bibby w. Ellen Yeon Kim
From 5.30 pm: Naked Self (Transitioning) (21 Months On Hormone Replacement Therapy) – Nude Performance by Puppies Puppies (Jade Kuriki Olivo)
Welcome: Hans-Georg Lohe (head of cultural affairs Düsseldorf), Thorsten Nolting (board) and
Eva Birkenstock (director)
From 8 pm: Naked Self (Transitioning) (21 Months On Hormone Replacement Therapy) – Nude Performance by Puppies Puppies (Jade Kuriki Olivo)
Organised in collaboration by Bonner Kunstverein, Kölnischer Kunstverein and Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen, Düsseldorf, Maskulinitäten is an international exhibition with a series of events and accompanying publication project that explores the subject of masculinity via contemporary art. The tripartite presentation is premised by an interest in questioning how a feminist exhibition on masculinity could look.
Conceived within the context of prominent and reactionary manifestations of masculinity and with an irreverent, uncompromising critique of its hegemonic forms, the collaboration aims to destabilise patriarchal and heteronormative notions of gender. Including public artworks, performances, plays, readings, lectures, screenings, and workshops, the exhibition seeks to open up alternative spaces of agency and bring performative and transgressive conceptions of identity, sexuality, gender and the body to the fore.
The three institutions share a history in variously presenting radical, feminist and queer exhibitions. Whilst many of these focused on reclaiming femininity and female experience from a history of male authorship, this project turns its attention instead to the male subject. The exhibition and the accompanying programme explores shifting perspectives on the representation of the body, the associated politics of power and visibility, and how these are negotiated and deconstructed in art from the 1960s to the present. Encompassing artistic and art-theoretical perspectives from different contexts and periods, masculinity is encountered as a complex, evolving, social construct that remains in continual flux.
The exhibition will be accompanied by a catalogue published by Koenig Books with contributions by CA Conrad, Nelly Gawellek, Chris Kraus, Quinn Latimer, Kerstin Stakemeier, Marlene Streeruwitz, Änne Söll, amongst others, and an introduction by Eva Birkenstock, Michelle Cotton and Nikola Dietrich (to be published November 2019).
BONNER KUNSTVEREIN : Lynda Benglis, Judith Bernstein, Alexandra Bircken, Patrica L. Boyd, Jana Euler, Hal Fischer, Eunice Golden, Richard Hawkins, Jenny Holzer, Hudinilson Jr., Allison Katz, Mahmoud Khaled, Hilary Lloyd, Sarah Lucas, Robert Morris, D’Ette Nogle, Puppies Puppies (Jade Kuriki Olivo), Bea Schlingelhoff, Anita Steckel
Bonner Kunstverein
Hochstadenring 22, 53119 Bonn
Opening times
Tue to Sun 11 am - 5 pm
Thu until 7 pm
KÖLNISCHER KUNSTVEREIN: Georgia Anderson & David Doherty & Morag Keil & Henry Stringer, Louis Backhouse, Olga Balema, Gerry Bibby, Juliette Blightman, Anders Clausen, Enrico David, Jonathas de Andrade, Jimmy DeSana, Jenny Holzer, Hedi El Kholti, Hilary Lloyd, Sarah Lucas, Shahryar Nashat, Puppies Puppies (Jade Kuriki Olivo), Carol Rama, Bea Schlingelhoff, Heji Shin, Evelyn Taocheng Wang, Carrie Mae Weems, Marianne Wex, Martin Wong, Katharina Wulff
Kölnischer Kunstverein
Hahnenstrasse 6, 50667 Köln
Opening times
Tue to Sun 11 am - 6 pm
KUNSTVEREIN FÜR DIE RHEINLANDE UND WESTFALEN, DÜSSELDORF: Vito Acconci, The Agency, Keren Cytter, Vaginal Davis, Nicole Eisenman, Andrea Fraser, keyon gaskin with Samiya Bashir, sidony o´neal and Adee Roberson, Philipp Gufler, Jenny Holzer, Annette Kennerley, Sister Corita Kent, Jürgen Klauke, Jutta Koether, Tetsumi Kudo, Klara Lidén, Henrik Olesen, D.A. Pennebaker & Chris Hegedus, Josephine Pryde, Puppies Puppies (Jade Kuriki Olivio), Lorenzo Sandoval, Julia Scher, Agnes Scherer, Bea Schlingelhoff, Katharina Sieverding, Nancy Spero, Evelyn Taocheng Wang
Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen, Düsseldorf
Grabbeplatz 4, 40213 Düsseldorf
Opening times
Tue to Sun 11 am - 6 pm