25. - 26. June 2021
Program: schedule and information (online-event)
We will use Cisco WEBEX conferencing system.
No pre-registration needed.
Technical and logistical information
"Sharing" is one of the almost unreservedly positive terms used when talking about research in science and art today. May it be in ideas of transdisciplinarity and knowledge transfer, in the interest in collectives, in the outmodedness of the lonely genius, may it be in demands for rendering research processes sharable and communicable whilst ensuring their quality – creativity is being viewed in open laboratories and workshops, in negotiable spaces of exchange, of amalgamation, of play. Nevertheless, the magical thinking inherent in the creative, wherever it was assumed to be in the past – in ritual, in chemical processes, on the photographic plate, in analogue and digital apparatus – is still present: Possibly it is found on the thresholds between art and science that appear again and again in theoretical texts and seem to expand into vast areas, or it is inscribed in the numerous definitions of artistic research, which all vividly reflect how the individual authors imagine the arts behind the veil informed by their own discipline’s conceptual background.
Especially on the level of institutional structures – and this conference contributes to their reflection – it quickly becomes clear that despite all the diversity and unpredictability of research strategies and working methods, questions and critiques of sharing and common standards emerge to the foreground. The conference aims to provoke, explore and possibly strain these questions and critiques of the opportunities and limits of shareability.
Important topics will be the documentation of research data and work, different materialities as well as inter- and transdisciplinarity. Through an exchange with internal UdK actors as well as international partners and guests, new perspectives for an adequate research infrastructure will be discussed on the basis of concrete, current projects. A particular focus will be on the needs in the context of the 3rd cycle, especially on the topic of mentoring.
!!! Important: The conference will be recorded for internal evaluation purposes. The recordings themselves will not be published; they will be used to create a small evaluative documentation. !!!
Friday 25 June 2021
09:30 Opening Conversation
Instituting Questions, Doubts and Failures: The Museum and the Academy of Art
with Sarah Lookofsky and Yasmil Raymond
11:00 Workshop Session
Workshop I (in German)
Gut gerüstet für die Qualifizierungsphase und die Zeit danach – Weiterbildungen für Künstler*innen und Wissenschaftler*innen an der UdK Berlin
Katherin Erdélyi
Workshop II (in German)
Wir lassen uns arbeiten
Artistic PhD Group ZhdK
Workshop III
Instrumentalities – Between Bodies, Voices & Objects
Sono-Choreographic Collective
Internal Working Session
The Polyphony of Mentoring Voices within Artistic Research – From the Extended (Peer) Family to the Academic Supervisor
Peers of the Peers Network
12:30 Break
13:30 Talks and Q&A
Share and Be FAIR
Friederike Kramer
Formate des Teilens statt Wissensproduktion – Research as a Practice of Sharing and Challenging amongst Artistic Peers
Florian Dombois
the many ways out from the lonely way in – How to Exit Violent Methods of Knowledge Isolation, and Delve into Lively Modes of Relating Learning?
Jan Verwoert
15:00 Short Break
15:15 Roundtable
Translating Artistic Research into Educational Structures
with Rike Frank, Bouchra Khalili, Norbert Palz, Deniz Peters and Juliane Schiffers
Saturday 26 June 2021
09:30 Keynote
Work in Pre-gross: Art Research in a Time of Algorithmic Ascendancy
with Sarat Maharaj
10:45 Discussion Round
When Transdisciplinary Is a Collective Method: Publishing as a Political Tool
with Salwa Aleryani, Julien Bruneau, Sher Doruff, Övül Ö. Durmusoğlu, Anthony R. Green, Rosie Heinrich, Amelie Jakubek, Jennifer Lacey, Santiago da Silva and Seda Yıldız
12:15 Break
13:00 UdK Berlin Third Cycle Colloquium (Part I)
Architectural Research Stage. From the communication of science to research collaboration – A pilot project
Ferdinand List
Artist Lecture mit Filmbeispielen aus „Counting Crows“
Lilli Kuschel
The Role of Movement, Memory and Time in the Work of Plan B – A PhD by Publication
Sophia New
14:40 Short Break
15:00 UdK Berlin Third Cycle Colloquium (Part II)
Traumatic Realities and Installation Art / A Case Study: Hale Tenger
Sehnaz Layikel
Disturbed Earth. The Quest in an Artistic Research from „Translation“ to „Ethics“ to „Method“
Didem Pekün
Living and Playing with Cybernetic Companions: Music Performance with Artificial Agents
Hannes Hoelzl, followed by an artistic intervention together with Alberto de Campo and Florian Dombois
Universität der Künste Berlin
Einsteinufer 43-53
D-10587 Berlin