Sat, Jan 12, 2019
Lecture Performances, Lectures, Discussions
Simultaneous translation: German/English
Free admission
From language development for artificial intelligence to blockchain structures, the recognition of patterns and laws is the basis of many technologies. They reproduce the biases, worldviews and property structures of the societies from which they “learn.” Are self-determination and decentralization nonetheless possible in technological development? Who controls the protocols of algorithmic infrastructures? How can we organize politically within them? Reflecting on the work of one of the world’s leading AI developers, Luc Steels, artistic and activist positions engage with technological language development and ask for new forms of political organization to negotiate linguistic commons.
With Kate Crawford (AI scientist), Simon Denny (artist), Armin Linke (photographer and filmmaker) and Giulia Bruno (artist), Trevor Paglen (artist), Felix Stalder (media and cultural theorist), Luc Steels (AI scientist and opera composer), Hito Steyerl (filmmaker) with Mark Waschke (actor) and Rosa César Waschke (actress)
Moderated by Bernd Scherer (director of HKW)
Curated by Bernd Scherer and Olga von Schubert
Haus der Kulturen der Welt
John-Foster-Dulles-Allee 10
10557 Berlin
Part of The New Alphabet – Opening Days
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