
Städelschule is an art school in Frankfurt am Main. Since 1817 it has been committed to provide equal, international, experimental, and independent artistic education. Public events include „Rundgang", the annual student exhibition, "Absolvent*innenausstellung", the graduate exhibition and the lecture program.


Teaching at the Städelschule supports open spaces for art and critical thinking through a variety of formats and discourses. It offers the study program Fine Arts and, in cooperation with the Goethe University, Curatorial Studies. The courses offered by the Institute of Art Criticism can be attended by all students across disciplines.


For the faculty of Städelschule, the art school is a permanent experiment. It emphasizes education in dialogue, a diverse teaching program that challenges students and confronts them with the unexpected. The faculty currently includes the following professors: Daniel Birnbaum, Gerard Byrne, Isabelle Graw, Benjamin Foerster-Baldenius, Judith Hopf, Hassan Khan, Philippe Pirotte, Tobias Rehberger, Willem de Rooij, and Haegue Yang. In addition, there are rotating guest professors. Read more here.


Portikus is an institution for contemporary art in Frankfurt am Main. Since its foundation in 1987 and as a fundamental element of Städelschule, Portikus is dedicated to exhibiting, publishing, and discussing young and emerging as well as established artists and their work. Over time, the Kunsthalle has established itself as a leading center for experimental art in Germany and thus contributes to the Städelschule’s international reputation. 
You can find more information about it here.