14 September - 9 November
Opening Saturday 14th September, 4 - 8pm
Salon Stuttgart is pleased to present unkrautfrei by Jasmin Werner. Comprised of sculptures worked from original agricultural harrows and collages that juxtapose Manufactum catalogue cuttings with images of Adriaen Brouwer’s paintings, unkrautfrei ploughs a line through contemporary quests for status and self-realisation. Rosettes as sweet as icing, balanced on a metal spike. The works in this exhibition draw attention to the desire to align oneself with nature and a pre-modern past, while occupying spaces of production and consumption that threaten to extinguish these very ideals. In the imagined future we must sieve the wicked from the good; in the imagined future we can taste only emancipation or dread.
Salon Stuttgart
Stuttgarter Str. 45
12059 Berlin
Buzz Davidson/Mues
Open by appointment