PICTURE BERLIN is proud to present the Summer Session's Event Series taking place at tête, gr_und and KuLe.
7 August - Tuesday
20h - Curatorial Talk by An Paenhuysen - tête - Schönhauser Allee 161A, 10435 Berlin
16 August - Thursday
19h - Stories we’ve been told - PB Summer Session 2018 Final Show, curated by An Paenhuysen - gr_und - Seestraße 49, 13347 Berlin
23 August - Thursday 18h - They Shoot Horses, Don't They? - A Curatorial Marathon - KuLe - Auguststraße 10, 10117 Berlin
Featuring talks by the following curators: Kate Brehme, Pauline Doutreluingne, Övül Durmusoglu, Hannah Kruse, Teena Lange, Lotte Møller, Solvej Helweg Ovesen, Heiko Pfreundt and Etienne Turpin.
PICTURE BERLIN is a hybrid artist residency / art academy founded in 2009 by artists for artists. The unique Summer Session encourages an active discourse on contemporary art while giving resident artists the opportunity to develop their work, meet artists and curators based in Berlin, exhibit their work and join the international PICTURE BERLIN community.
PICTURE BERLIN works both independently and collaboratively with other organizations around Berlin to create a public program each Summer. Our partners this Summer include; tête, KuLe, gr_und, Kronenboden and DETLEF.
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