The first installment of a monthly film series hosted by Emma Rosenzweig.
Thursday, August 31, 2023
18:30 = Café opens / Tickets are 50kr. / No reservations via e-mail.
19:30 = “Teorema” directed by Pier Paolo Pasolini, 1968, 98 minutes. English subtitles
Teorema is a fable of ideas, fusing the sexual and political revolutions of the time, as well as Marxism, Catholicism and gay sexuality. Terence Stamp is the beautiful antichrist "visitor" to an upper-middle-class household in Milan who sexually entrances every single member: the son, the daughter, the maid, the mother and even the wealthy, ailing father, and then departs, leaving behind him a creative and emotional chaos. The daughter goes into a catatonic trance, the maid becomes a saint, the wife becomes sexually voracious and promiscuous, the son becomes an artist and cultural theorist, and the father gives his factory away to the workers.
Husets Biograf, Rådhusstræde 13, 1466 København