The Berliner "Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung und Wohnen" has decided to tackle the increasing housing shortage in Berlin. It wants to double the amount of apartments in the city by 2030. Since there is no wasteland left, the plans for creating new living space shifted from the outside to the inside: namely people’s flats. The city will start to divide a number of Altbau-Wohnungen with higher ceilings horizontally, in order to double the living space. We as one of the first tenants who are part of the Senat’s initiative are free to choose whether we want to continue living downstairs or rather move to the new space upstairs. Now someone has moved in additionally. We are not quite sure who they are yet.
With the artists:
David Austen
Jesse Darling
Heinz Frank
Tonio Kröner
Michaela Meise
Phung-Tien Phan
Elif Saydam
The exhibition will be accompanied by a small publication. It includes an interview with two inhabitants of Winterfeldstraße 31, Evi and Griseldis, who squatted the building in 1981 and have been living their ever since. GEIST converses with them about the change of the housing market in Berlin and what it means to fight for your right to housing until this day.
Concept / Realisation by GEIST:
Andrea Popelka, Alex Rathbone, Stefanie Schwarzwimmer, Womanman, Miriam Yammad
April 27th & 28th
12am – 6pm
or by appointment until May 12th
Winterfeldtstr. 31
10718 Berlin
Ring at: 'Neue Horizonte'