(You have secretly fed it with water and flour. It lingers now in a bowl, emanating odd scents, producing slimy juices. An indefinite mass of living microorganisms, the sourdough, has become your starter. From the flour you pour in, a thin, whirling dust rises. Add water and salt. Your fingers mingle with the sticky entity to the point of indiscernibility. The soft, blurry dough lands then onto a surface (blafff). Start kneading it. Don’t be shy about handling it. Grasp a side furthest away from you, and fold it in half towards you. Place the heels of your hands on top, and use your body weight to push the dough into itself. Repeat. Fold folds within folds. The proteins line up into strands of gluten. Then, forget about it. Just leave it there, in a bowl, in a warm room, away from you. It will do its thing, breath, multiply, rise. In the night, it will come back to you in dreams and hold you there. You float through the bubbles forming in its pulsing body, you inhale its stinky sourness, you bath in its marshy liquids. In its nightly refusal of becoming bread, the dough captures you in its black belly as in an invisible refuge. You blend into the touch of its internal dripping walls. It feeds you secretly with water and flour.)
An exhibtion by and with
Rashiyah Elanga, Sebastian Garbrecht, Lorenzo Graf, Anne Mahlow, Robin Metzer, Nina
Nadig, Anja Schneidereit
10 th -14 th May 2021
5-7 pm and by appointment (lorenzograf06@gmail.com)
Dürerstraße 10
Frankfurt am Main
Gefördert durch die Hessische Theaterakademie.