On the occasion of the Städelschule’s Rundgang, the students of the Master’s program Curatorial Studies, a cooperation between Goethe University Frankfurt and Städelschule, invite the public to conversations with curators, artists and other art professionals. This year the focus will be on the “Ecosystem Städelschule”, which will be approached in terms of the memory of an institution and its experience as a social, performative space.
The Archive in Focus: Perspectives on Documentation
Saturday, February 8, 2025, 15:00, Mensa, Daimlerstraße 32
In conversation: Begüm Inal & Ivan Murzin
Moderation: Egor Miroshnichenko, Alexandra Rücker
The Städelschule archive and the various forms of remembering and preserving will be discussed from two perspectives, one academic and one artistic. Begüm Inal (head of the research project “The Digital Archive of the Städelschule 1920 to 1950”) and Ivan Murzin (artist and alumnus of the Städelschule) will engage in an exchange about the various ways in which archival materials can be analyzed today. After the discussion, a guided tour by Christin Groß-Narten (Städelschule Archive) invites you to discover the archive.
Imagining institutions
Sunday, February 9, 2025, 15:00, Aula, Dürerstraße 10
In conversation: Barbara Clausen & Anna Wagner
Moderation: Leonie Cecco, Max Zimmermann
Barbara Clausen (Rector of Städelschule and Director of Portikus) and Anna Wagner (Artistic and Managing Director of Mousonturm) discuss the orientation and management of their institutions. The examination of performance and the body, which for both is an integral part of their theory and practice, forms the starting point for an exchange on how art institutions can be imagined and designed as places of encounter. The Städelschule and the Mousonturm are central institutions in Frankfurt’s cultural life and enable reflection on regional and wider phenomena relating to performance, space and institution.