Vera Mey is an independent curator and final year PhD candidate at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London. Her doctoral research unpacks modern Southeast Asian art during the Cold War eras in Cambodia, Indonesia and Singapore, paying particular attention to intersections of racial plurality within regionalism. Part of this research feeds the co-curatorial framework of Spectres of Bandung: A Political Imagination of Asia-Africa, an upcoming exhibition at Gropius-Bau, Berlin, starting October 2023. Prior to this, she worked as a curator both institutionally and independently, predominantly with artists with a revisionist approach to history. She was part of the founding curatorial team of NTU Centre for Contemporary Art Singapore, led by Prof. Ute Meta Bauer (2014 - 2016), worked on the exhibition Anywhere but here (2016) at Bétonsalon - centre d'art et de recherche, Paris, and within the curatorial team of SUNSHOWER: Contemporary art from Southeast Asia 1980s to now, the largest survey of Southeast Asian contemporary art to be exhibited, at the Mori Art Museum and National Art Centre Tokyo (2017). Her academic work includes the Getty Foundation scholar program Ambitious Alignments: New Histories of Southeast Asian Art (2015-2016) and Art Schools of Asia with Asia Art Archive, Hong Kong (2021-2022). Mey co-founded the scholarly journal Southeast of Now: Directions in Contemporary and Modern Art in Asia (National University of Singapore Press).