Acoustic Scenography
Johannes Helberger creates spatial music- and sound-experiences for installations, stage performances, exhibitions and interactive environments shown and performed internationally. The transformation of acoustic spaces and the play with perception of spectators, have become his signature as a spatial sound artist. He is a co-founder of the sound art studio KLING KLANG KLONG in Berlin, which develops acoustic scenographies in the intersection of science, art and communication. Whether in real spaces or virtual environments, the studio treats the visitor as an active participant in interplay with an organic sound environment.
In his lecture, Helberger will focus on the impact of sound on the spatial perception and how it is is highly underestimated. How a room or a site „feels“ is rarely judged by the sonic experience but mostly by visual features. It seems we have much more control and understanding over the visual world than whatever happens in the realm of invisible sound waves propagating through air. This lecture will give insights and show methods how sound influences the spectator and how the subconscious perception of space can be influenced, altered and designed.